“What’s the use of a fine house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on.”
—Henry David Thoreau
Land Acknowledgement
It is important to state that the photos on this site have been taken on the
unceded traditional territory of the Mi'kmaq Nation of the Wabanaki Confederacy, in the traditional district of Epikwitk (also known as Prince Edward Island). I am a settler and acknowledge that the Mi’kmaq people have taken care of this beautiful land for millennia. It is with great respect to the Mi’kmaq people, that I have included Mi’kmaq place names on this site.
I’ve been a lover of Nature since I was very young. I studied biology in university and teach other teachers about biology and respect for the natural world. Without this appreciation and understanding of how ecosystems work and how we affect these systems, we will no longer be here. The earth, however, will no doubt continue, but without us. We must do what we can to ameliorate the effects we have on our environment.
My Photographic Focus
Especially during the pandemic, I have grown to appreciate even more the outdoors and all that it offers. Getting outside is a refreshing and necessary part of my life.
I am primarily a nature photographer who loves birding.
With my photographs I aim to represent animals in their natural habitat. I take photos in an ethical manner without causing any disturbance. A long lens helps respectfully do this.
Awe-Inspiring Nature
I appreciate the awe and wonder of the natural world: the way a bank swallow is able to turn mid-air to catch an insect; the majesty of a bald eagle perched in a tree or soaring above; the beauty of a wood duck with its stunning colours; the collaborative behaviour of flocks of birds; the omnipresent dangers wild animals endure; as well as the calming, serene and awe-inspiring vistas PEI has to offer.
While I enjoy these experiences, I also aim to inspire others to amplify their understanding and appreciation of our natural surroundings.
If you would like to contact me for any reason you can reach me at ronmacdonaldphotography@gmail.com.